Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tow #13 :Sarah Palin Political Cartoon

This cartoon is due to the Republican elections going on in 2012, so it's not really recent, but I think it is pretty funny. Basically this cartoon is in favor of Republicans and it has Sarah Palin in it and someone handing a Fox Newspaper to her. It is really ironic because Fox News is really in favor of the Republicans. The purpose of this political cartoon was to create propaganda for the Republicans and to explain that Republicans basically paid off Fox News to be in such great favor of them.
The author is really credible because Adam Zyglis is a Pulitzer Prize Winner Cartoonist and he works for the Buffalo News of Buffalo, New York.
This cartoon uses a lot of rhetorics such as irony because it is really ironic how Fox News and Sarah Palin are replaced together since Fox News favors Republicans a lot. Also this cartoon uses propaganda to get people into the Republican party. This cartoon is also really amusing because Sarah Palin has become a Political laughing stock due to her various unintelligent comments.
I think that this political cartoon really achieved it's purpose because it explains why Fox News favors Republicans with the money signs and Sarah Palin signing the paper because she knows that Fox News is always in favor of Republicans. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tow #12: South Africa after Mandela

The Times Editorial board has composed an editorial about the legacy of Mandela and the effect of his passing on South Africa and what its going to be like. The editorial board consists of various journalists who write about a broad variety of topics. They are very credible and know a lot about their fields.
The purpose of this editorial was to idolize Mandela and to explain the legacy that he left on South Africa and to persuade the present leaders of South Africa to continue Mandela's legacy. This editorial was written in context of Mandela's death. It was a tragedy for many because Mandela helped the fall of apartheid peacefully and he stuck to his principles. He created many changes and reforms and transformed South Africa. His passing was really a huge tragedy.
This editorial calls for the leaders for South Africa to tend to the economical and racial problems going on. The editors want to call for a change in the crime rate and HIV infections. The editors just want to bring it to attention that Mandela has done a tremendous amount of work and the leaders of South Africa should continue that.
The editors use a lot of rhetorics such as comparisons, when they compare Mandela to other powerful leaders. The diction that they use is very powerful because all of the words praise Mandela. This editorial really appeals to emotions. The editorial also provides a lot of statistics.
Overall, I think that this editorial really did achieve it's purpose because it really showed people that something needs to be done now that Mandela has passed, it's leaders still need to continue making South Africa what he wanted it to be. This editorial was not only written for the people of the world, but for the African leaders who should continue Mandela's vision.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tow #11:The Glass Castle

Jeannette Walls is riding in a taxi in New York City, and she looks out the window to see her mom dig through the trash. Suddenly she feels ashamed of her mom and she brings up memories of her parents and her childhood and how it affects her. She starts by talking about her childhood at age 3 and how difficult it was for her family. The purpose of this was to introduce herself and the book and her past and how it affects her today. Jeannette is very credible in doing so because she is writing about her own past.
Jeannette writes about her past in the beginning of the book in order to explain why her life is the way it is and how her past shaped her.
Jeannette writes for people who can relate to difficult childhoods and families. People who grow up in broken homes. She wants to share her story. In doing so, she uses many rhetorical devices. She uses a lot of imagery to show the audience what her life was really like. She also uses symbolism throughout the novel because the Glass Castle is really symbolic of what her father Rex wants for his family. One of the most important rhetorical devices she uses is irony because throughout the novel it seems as if the children are more mature than their parents.
Overall, I think this memoir is very descriptive and touching and I really think that Jeannette does a great job alluding to her past and tying it in with her present.