Sunday, September 15, 2013

TOW #1

For most of the United States' history, same-sex marriage has been illegal. The Fence Walker, by Steve Breen conjures on same-sex marriage.The topic of same-sex marriage has always been controversial and while some states allow it, Supreme Court cannot make the decision of whether same-sex marriage would have a positive or a negative effect on the country. The cartoon illustrates Supreme Court's indecisiveness on the matter.
The Supreme Court has made a historical decision by allowing same-sex marriage in California. The ruling meant that the federal government has no choice but to recognize gay marriage in the 12 states where it is legal. Breen draws this editorial to explain that the Supreme Court still cannot decide whether this ruling that they passed is beneficial or negative.
 Breen uses a metaphor to examine Supreme Court's stance on the matter. The cartoon shows a judge walking on a fence and holding a balance pole, not to fall on either side. The two sides are "Affirmative action good" and "Affirmative action bad." Supreme Court is "on the fence" about whether same sex marriages would be beneficial or not. The title of this editorial cartoon is a metaphor as well because Supreme Court is referred to "The Fence Walker." Supreme court has been "on the fence" for a while and even though they decided that California along with 12 other states allows same-sex marriage, they are not sure if they made the right decision. The cartoon is an allegory because it contains the literal meaning of the supreme court being "on the fence" and the symbolic meaning taking on the effect that same-sex marriage will have on religion, politics, and in the social aspect of American culture.
Steve Breen is the artist of this cartoon and he is very credible. He attended the University of California, and he earned a bachelor's degree in political science. There he drew editorial cartoons for his school paper, The Highlander. He won the Pulitzer Prize twice in1998 and 2009. Steve Breen illustrated this editorial for the Americans who are questioning the same-sex marriage ruling by Supreme Court.
In my opinion, Steve Breen did an excellent job defending his purpose in this cartoon, because it was an allegory and could be taken literally and symbolically. I love how he used a huge metaphor to describe the condition the Supreme Court is in right now and the effects that their ruling has had.

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