Friday, October 25, 2013

Tow #7 : Beyond the Brethalyzer

This briefing, publiched in Times Magazine, talks about new medical advances that breath tests can now determine lung cancer, diabetes, infections, and more. This article was written by Alice Park. She has been on the Times staff since 1993 and reported on many health and medicine articles and new discoveries. She writes this report for people who are interested in medicine and also for those who have hereditary diseases and need to be tested for them. Her purpose is to educate on the new medical advances.
This report was written because a new medical advancement has been made and Alice Park uses many strategies to inform about it. She uses facts to appeal to the ehos. "As James Carey, a chemistry professor at the National University of Kaohsiung in Taiwan puts it, 'Breath is the most complicated mixture on the planet.' " This just shows the importance of the new advances in the medical field and how beneficial they are. Also in the beginning of the briefing, Alice appeal to the pathos of the audience by directly calling out those people who drink, " Anyone who's ever had a few too many drinks knows that a little exhalation can reveal a lot of information." She is connecting directly with the audience and establishing common ground on what she is going to talk about. She introduces a new shed of hope for those people who cannot afford some medical tests such as biopsies and tells them that these tests are less expensive, yet still accurate enough to diagnose and treat a disease..
I personally feel that her purpose was achieved because this article was very informal and yet it created so much hope for the medical industry and that there are so many advances yet to be made and it gave a lot of hope for those with medical conditions that they can now be diagnosed and treated.

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