Sunday, January 5, 2014

Tow #14

The editorial I just read was called "The New Year Within." It's context is very current because we just welcomed 2014 and wished a farwell to 2013. This editorial talks about the New Year and everyone's hopes for a change. However it distinctly points out that this new change that we all long for is something we can do everyday. I think the purpose of this really was to welcome the New Year and also encourage people to achieve the change they want and not waste a "new year."
The writers of this editorial are very credible because they are on the New York Times editorial board which consists of a variety of well-rounded journalists.
This editorial uses many rhetorical devices such as allusions and references to people such as Henry David Thoreau which makes this editorial seem credible. This editorial also uses symbolism to refer to the cold and dead winter not being a season for rebirth. However, then it talks about the symbolism of nature and how it will emerge from the cold for rebirth in the spring. This editorial really is kind of philosophical, welcoming the New Year and really encouraging people to initiate change while explaining how to welcome the new year. It says that there is no proper way and everyone does it in their own way.
I personally didn't really like this editorial all that much because I thought it could have more depth in really explaining how to initiate change in the New Year. I think these editors could have done better. 

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