Monday, January 20, 2014

Tow#16 : Gay-Baiting Before the Olympics

This article is about Russian President, Vladimir Putin's view on homosexuality. There is big controversy whether he is going to be a good host or a "homophobic scold." This controversy has come up because the Winter Olympics are approaching next month in Sochi. The purpose of this article is to show Putin's views.
The writers of this editorial are from the New York editorial board and they are very credible because the editorial board is composed of various journalists who have different areas of expertise.
This editorial has various rhetorical devices such as allusions to President Vladimir Putin and what he says which is very juxtaposing to each other, "You can feel relaxed and calm, but please, leave the children alone." This is what the President of Russia said in his speech directed at the Gay community and this shows juxtaposition because in the first part he is welcoming them and telling them to feel relaxed, but then he is telling them to be cautious and leave the children alone. This is terrible because he is not making the Gay community feel welcome, and while there are other customs and traditions in Russia, no one should be discriminated against and people should be free to be who they want. Also when he states "We do not have a ban on nontraditional sexual relationships, we have a ban on the propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia," this is kind of ironic because he is saying that Russia does not have any laws against homosexuals, only the propaganda. This is ironic because if he states that he has no problems with homosexuals, then he should not have problems with the spread of homosexuality.
Honestly, after reading this editorial I was shocked. Both of my parents grew up in Russia and the values and morals my parents have are nothing like this. I did not even know Russia's take on homosexuality and it is completely disgusting to me. As for their purpose, the editors achieved it. They have proven to me how awful and disgusting Vladimir Putin really is. 

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