Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tow #23: A is for App!

This political cartoon, created by Cal Grondahl, who is the staff cartoonist for the Utah Stander Examiner is extremely controversial because it exemplifies how the use of technology has been interfering with school and teaching. It illustrates how some teachers do not even "need" to teach because technology does everything for them. With the advancements of the apple products, more and more classrooms are becoming technologically advanced, thus creating less purpose to instructors. The context is the development over technology and its influence on school.
This cartoon was written for everyone in society to become aware of the technology problem that is going on and how teachers are not doing their jobs as much because technology is taking over and that is interfering with learning.
This cartoon has a hyperbole in it because it is a bit of an exaggeration...teachers are not actually becoming useless and letting the students use technology to learn. While technology is being used more for educational purposes, teachers still teach, they just incorporate technology into their lessons which is actually really effective. 
The teacher looks distraught in the cartoon and that kind of shows that she is exhausted of this technology and the students look very confused, which shows that they really need some teaching guidance. 
At the top of the wall it says "...Standard Examiner," which shows that the teacher actually does have a purpose, but she does not want to do anything because what is the point if there is so much technology and kids nowadays are learning so much from it, what is the point of having teachers anymore?
Personification of the tablet is happening because the teacher says "Your tablet is your teacher; I'll be in the teacher's lounge." This is personifying the tablet signifying that it can do everything that the teacher can. I also think this shows that teachers are becoming lazier with technology.
However, I disagree with this whole political cartoon because technology is incorporated with teaching and teachers use it to make learning easier and more understandable. Teachers still teach and they are not becoming lazier because most teachers are not letting technology take over. I really disagree and think this cartoon is ineffective. 

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