Monday, May 19, 2014

Tow #27: Reflection Tow

I've read Everyone Loves a Loser, TOW #3 from the first marking period, When Police Enter a Home, TOW #9 from the second, and How to Help the Homeless, TOW #18, from the third marking period. In rereading these TOWs, I've noticed a lot of improvement from the first marking period, to the third.
I noticed that when I first started writing TOWS, it sounded more like a summary of the article, followed by a specific requirement of criteria that we had to do. It almost sounded like a checklist. It did not flow very well and sounded abrupt. I also noticed that I used a lot of quotations at first, however, as my TOWs went on, I used less specific quotations, but I really talked about the rhetorics and how the editorials worked together and the purpose they really achieved. I think I had a problem identifying the purpose in a lot of my earlier TOWs, but that got better the more TOWs I wrote, and the more I wrote and analyzed in general in this class.
I feel like I really mastered making my TOWs flow together instead of just sounding like a plain checklist. They really sound more like a blogpost now. I also really mastered identifying rhetorics and not just "ethos, logos, pathos" as I started out in my first TOWs. I really analyzed and took a look at the style of writing and it's purpose. 
I could still strive to improve my diction and make it sound more efficient at times. My writing isn't always the best, but it has been improving. I need to make my writing more free and stick to developing it more instead of just worrying about taking care of a checklist to better my grade. I think I could improve by writing more TOWs on various different topics. Sometimes the topics I chose were very alike and I think it would be more interesting to write about various different issues. 
I did benefit from the TOWs because this was extra writing practice for me and a chance to identify purpose, rhetorical strategies, and the most important "So What?" in the text. Like what is the purpose of all of this? I really think that TOWs helped me realize this. However, I do not think that the TOWs really reflected much on my essays in class because I felt that the essays in class were more stressed than the TOWs which seemed more relaxed, also they were a complete different and informal style, so I do think that if the purpose of them was to improve writing and making it a reflection upon class essays, they need to be more like class essays and a little less informal. 

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