Monday, May 26, 2014

Tow 28: Secrets of the Secret Servicement

Recently, I watched a documentary called “Secrets of the Secret Service.” I watched this because politics and everything that has to do with the government interests me and the secret servicemen are the ones who sign up to protect the President of the United States at all costs. I wanted to know more about how exactly they do their job. This documentary was narrated by Rob Naughton. Naughton narrates for other documentaries, such as Treasure Quest (2009) and various others. The documentary opens up by talking about the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy in order to show how his assassination would forever change the secret service, preventing anything like this from ever happening again. The documentary talks about the secret service and the importance of their job; showing the world how the secret service works, and the technologies it uses to protect the President of the United States.

The purpose of this documentary was to definitely give insight to the public about how the secret servicemen do their job and how protected the president really is. This was achieved by first giving a definition of the secret servicemen and who they are, “The secret service does many things like safeguard our currency, protect important U.S. officials and foreign visitors, but its most important task is to protect the President of the United States.” Then, the documentary introduced retired secret service agents, Joseph Funk, and Joseph Petro, who gave testimonies about the job and how much pressure it really is because it really provides insight on how these men will go to all costs to protect the president. A lot of facts were given and I thought this was really effective because these were actual secret servicemen who were very credible because they have done their job in protecting the president and they gave testimonies on how they did it. It really helped me learn about how the secret servicemen really achieve their job.

            The filmmakers used a lot of 3-D models in order to show the protection the president has. A 3-D model was used to demonstrate the bulletproof glass that the president’s car has. After that, to make it more credible, they had a secret service agent; shoot this same bulletproof glass from 20 feet in order to show how durable it really is. This really enhanced the film’s credibility because the world did not just hear about how severely the president is protected: the world got to witness just how this protection works. However, what made the documentary really interesting and credible is that the makers did not just talk about the durability of the president’s limo; they talked about the president’s house, helicopter, and Boeing. Furthermore, testimonies from Mark Burton, CEO and President of the company who makes these bulletproof cars were given to provide further insight as to how these cars were made. The world was given insight on how carefully and strategically all of this technology was constructed in order to serve its one intended purpose: to protect the president.  

Footage of the Presidents and layouts of the secret servicemen showed exactly how vulnerable these men are and how honorable they are to sacrifice their lives in order to do their job and protect the president. I thought that this film was very effective in proving the great extents these secret servicemen go to protecting the president, and really this film provided the world insight as to how these men actually protect the president with the technology they have.  However, I do not really think it was smart to give out so much detail and information about the secret servicemen and the president because this knowledge can be used against them by assassins, so although a lot of information was left classified, I was amazed at the amount of information actually given out to the public. Although, I can understand that the minor purpose of this was to kind of warn any individuals who plan on attacking the president, that the president is really secure and any attempts will not go through.

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